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photo of cute elephant calf

I'd like to thank : my parents, without whom HedWeb would never have happened; BLTC graphics supremo, Aegir ; sysop Tom for offering to host all HedWeb for free on the Cybar server in the face of BFSS censorship threats; Kieran, who couldn't have guessed what effect viewing his web-pages might have on impressionable young minds; Steve, for first proving to me that a computer had uses beyond a valuable doorstop; Nick, for explaining the difference between a mark-up language and mere programming; and not least Melissa, for conceptually clarifying the case for the hedonistic imperative in a number of key areas. Many thanks are offered as well to other, sometimes anonymous, cyber-contributors to the graphical content of these pages. One's delight in their product has a habit of overwhelming hazy memories of its various origin. Apologies, and please let me know if there's an acknowledgement I can add here. I'd be very glad to do so!

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BLTC Research
elephant photo
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