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British beef and BSE

By forcing herbivores to cannibalise the remains of their murdered companions, UK agribusiness and the beef industry have unleashed the appalling human analogue of BSE on unsuspecting consumers. The likely toll of future human victims of CJD is unknown.

Victims of Murder Incorporated

"We recognise, I hope, our special responsibilities to the aged and infirm, towards the sick, the mentally subnormal and the physically handicapped. We say that such sentient creatures that are less able to care for themselves deserve our special care and support. The same argument applies to children - and we as adults claim we recognise special duties towards them. If this is so, then why do we not recognise our special duties towards individuals from less clever species?"
Richard Ryder
Animal Rights FAQ
The Taste of Depravity
BFSS : Killing For Kicks
The Post-Darwinian Transition

BLTC Research

meat is murder

British Meat
Meat is Murder

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