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Beyond the Bleeding Edge

"Java Hits Brighton"

Brighton Pavilion

Coming Soon...
Tired of watching toytown Java applets whose wiggles amuse the goldfish but tend to underwhelm the more discerning? Get ready on HedWeb to experience the blazing multimedia spectacular JAVA HITS BRIGHTON. The shock troops of Brighton's cyber-revolution are gung-ho with excitement to deliver you the next generation of futuristic Java applications. Prepare for an awesome feast of the senses and learn how one of Britain's sleepiest historical themeparks is being transformed into the vibrant hub of sunrise Europe's new hi-tech digital infostructure. Hosted by Brighton's stunningly accomplished Melissa Wyatt, HedWeb gets beyond the hype to bring you the hottest, coolest and sexiest developments from Brighton's Silicon Valley-by-the Sea.....


E-mail Dave